The Bible
Message Notes

Series: Foundations

Message Title: The Bible

Speaker: Pastor Scott

Date: 9/24/23


1 Corinthians 3:10-11

Hebrews 4:12

  1. God's Word is an eternal foundation

Isaiah 40:8

Matthew 24:35

  1. God's Word is an essential foundation

Matthew 4:4

  1. God's Word is an effective foundation

Matthew 7:24-25

-God's Word provides stability

Psalm 119:105

-God's Word provides direction

Romans 8:38

-God's Word provides assurance - of God's loving presence

John 17:17

-God's Word provides truth

Psalm 119:11

-God's Word provides strength against temptation

Romans 10:17

-God's Word builds faith

John 5:39-40

-God's Word reveals Jesus

  1. God's Word is evidential

John 8:31-32