The Mission Matters
Message Notes

Message Title: The Mission Matters

Speaker: Pastor Scott

Date: 1/8/23


The mission of a church must always reflect the mission of God on earth!

GT's Mission (as a reflection of Missio Dei): Reaching People and Growing Together in Christ

Reaching People

How did Jesus describe His own mission?

-Luke 19:10

-Matthew 9:13

-Mark 10:45

What did Jesus instruct us to do in order to reflect His mission?

-Acts 1:8

Jesus left no ambiguity as to why He was on earth:

-Show us God's love

-Reveal the Kingdom through teaching

-Testify to the truth

-Heal the sick

-Redeem lost sinners from the penalty of death

We are His ambassadors

-2 Corinthians 5:20

-Every single one of us has a charge to reach others with the message of the Gospel

Growing Together in Christ

Once reached, a person spends a lifetime growing in Christ.

How did Jesus describe this part of His mission?

-1 John 3:8

-John 10:10

-Matthew 28:19-20

We are called to reflect this part of His mission as well.

2023 GT Prayer Points


  • That we continually pursue Spirit-filled, Spirit-led lives

  • That we live in daily surrender to Christ's Lordship

  • That we live in full obedience to God and His Word

  • That each Christ follower discovers their God-given kingdom assignment and is deployed for service


  • That GT sees 1,000 new decisions for Christ in 2023

  • That GT effectively leads people into growing relationship with Jesus

  • That GT North becomes fully established, an agency of reaching and growing

  • That Gt raises up the next generation of world-changers

  • That GT impacts Berks County through expanded local outreach partnerships

  • That GT impacts the world with the Gospel through expanded global partnerships and Project Impact