Event Details

Summer Camp for current 3rd-5th graders is designed to be the best four days of the summer. This sleep-away camp is full of fun and exciting activities, opportunities to build life-long friendships, and creative life-changing services. A parent pack of information will be emailed as we get closer. If you have any questions, please contact Angela Adams

Click here and complete the steps to register with our group, GT West Lawn.

Scholarships are available to help cover the cost if needed. If you are applying for a scholarship, complete this application and wait for our response before registering for camp. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is Sunday, April 27th.

Cost - $230 (includes all meals and snacks from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch)
Dates - July 10 -13 (Thursday - Sunday)
Deadline To Register – May 1st (Scholarship application is due by Sunday, April 27th) 
Camp Location - Bongiorno Conference Center: 430 Union Hall Rd, Carlisle, PA 17013 
Drop Off – 2PM, Thursday, July 10th at GT West Lawn
Pick Up – 2PM, Sunday, July 13th at GT West Lawn