Group Finder

Why We Do Groups

At GT Church we believe that you can’t grow spiritually if you aren’t connected relationally. The large group setting at our church services is exciting and energizing, but it’s in smaller group settings where meaningful relationships are formed and our faith is lived out. We call these “GT Groups” and the people in a GT Group are a community that often becomes like family. You celebrate great moments together. You support one another through trials. You provide accountability and encouragement as you live out your faith together. And when you do that, you are experiencing exactly what the church was intended to be.

We have dozens of GT Groups, and you can choose the group that fits you best. Some groups meet in homes and some are meeting online.

Goldsborough Co-Ed
Meeting Details: Thursday GTSM Room @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm Every Other Week; Start Date 3/13/25
Location: GT North Campus
Leaders: Marlene Goldsborough and Eric Goldsborough

This group will be using The Bait of Satan book study, by John Bevere. This book exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get people out of the will of God - offense.  This book shows how to identify the traps and escape victim mentality and stay free from offense and its destructive power.

Eagle Fellowship
Meeting Details: 2nd Thursday Room 101 @ 1:00pm - 3:00pm Monthly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Karey Schaffer
A once-a-month opportunity for senior adults (age 60+) to meet for a time of fellowship which may include fun activities, inspirational devotions, seasonal banquets, trips and picnics.
Shields Co-Ed
Meeting Details: Saturday @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm Monthly
Location: Oley
Leaders: Barb Shields and Dave Shields

Bible study and fellowship for anyone who would like to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Single and Soarin' Coed Group
Meeting Details: Friday Room 101 @ 7:00pm - 11:00pm Every Other Week; Start Date 2/28/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Juanita Price

This group is for mature singles age 40+ looking to connect with others through spiritual connection, social interaction, and serve opportunities. We will be using Right Now Media and the BAND app for events.

Faithful Families
Meeting Details: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm Weekly; Start Date 3/5/25
Location: Kutztown
Leaders: Angela Johnson and Seth Johnson

Our life group exists to help equip parents to live and lead their families in a godly way. We cover topics such as marriage, parenting, Bible studies, and Christian living. Ultimately, we hope to "do life together" and create lifelong friendships. This is true for both parents as well as their kids! We have a playroom for the kids (mostly ranging from toddlers through elementary) and a babysitter who charges $5/kid per night.

In-To-Me-See (Intimacy)
Meeting Details: Saturday Room 100 @ 9:30am - 11:30am Every Other Week; Start Date 3/1/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Silvio Castro and Melinda Castro

How do your life experiences influence how you connect intimately with God? Do you want to grow and deepen your relationship using practical tools? If so, then this is the group for you whether you are a new believer, a veteran believer, or somewhere in between!

Bond of Believers (ages 26-35)
Meeting Details: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm Weekly; Start Date 3/12/25
Location: Shillington Area
Leaders: Jazmine Rivera

Bond of believers is all about coming together to draw closer to Jesus. No matter if you have been raised in the faith or just starting, let’s get together for 12 weeks and grow closer in Christ. We will be utilizing Right Now Media to study the book of Ecclesiastes by Jonathan Pokluda.

Fellowship Tribe
Meeting Details: Saturday @ 12:00pm - 1:00pm Every Other Week; Room 111
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Mayrobys Ventura

This group of single adults age 26-40 will meet to grow in their faith and fellowship with other believers.

Grupo '3 en 1'
Meeting Details: Saturday @ 4:30pm - 6:00pm Every Other Week
Location: 19611
Leaders: Christian Brito and Maria Medina

Este es un grupo para familias que quieren crecer juntas en el amor de Cristo, construyendo amistades y disfrutando del compañerismo. Los niños son bienvenidos!

Redimidas Women's Group
Meeting Details: Saturdays @ 5:00pm Weekly
Location: West Lawn Area
Leaders: Blanca Ramírez

Creciendo juntas en la palabra, conociendo más el Dios vivo que tenemos.

Martinez Co-Ed Group
Meeting Details: Mondays @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm Weekly; Start Date 2/24/25
Location: Kenhorst Area
Leaders: Lissette Martinez and Leo Martinez

Nos unimos para estudiar juntos la Palabra de Dios y crecer en la verdad revelada atravez de su Espiritu Santo.

RadianteX (Radiantes en Cristo Jesús)
Meeting Details: Thursdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm 2nd & 4th Week; Start Date 2/27/25
Location: Reading
Leaders: Yenny Colon

Este es un grupo de mujeres en español que crecemos juntas para profundizar nuestra relación con Dios, reforzar nuestra identidad en Cristo y construir amistad entre nosotras a través de la adoración, el estudio bíblico, la oración, el compañerismo y la reunión social.

Marcelin Men's Group
Meeting Details: Tuesdays GTSM Room @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm Weekly
Location: GT North Campus
Leaders: Daniel Marcelin

Expositional walk-through of Paul's letter to the Colossians. Discovering the truths of God's word for the life of men.

Faith in the Game
Meeting Details: Tuesday Room 208 @ 7:00pm - 8:00pm Every Other Week; Start Date 2/25/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Manny Ruiz

Welcome to the Men’s Sports & Faith Group at GT Church, where we combine our love for sports with our passion for God! This group is designed for men who want to explore their faith through the lens of sports, sharing experiences, insights, and camaraderie while deepening their relationship with Christ.

Giron Men's Group: Resilient
Meeting Details: Tuesday Room 208 @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm Every Other Week; Start Date 3/4/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Emmanuel Giron

Resilient leads you to the peace only God can give in a world gone mad—and helps you receive from Jesus the strength that prevails.

Kingdom Men
Meeting Details: Tuesdays NextGen Center The Spot @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm Weekly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Glauco Vidal

We gather together to study the word of God and fellowship.

TGIF Men's
Meeting Details: Fridays Room 104 @ 7:00am - 8:30am Weekly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Joe Andrews and Kevin Brader

This group meets year-round and is open to all men of all levels of spiritual understanding. Currently reading the book of Hebrews which is essential in understanding how the new covenant is superior to the old covenant.

Man in the Mirror
Meeting Details: Tuesdays Room 104 @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm Weekly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Kevin Brader

This men's discipleship group includes praises, prayers and support as we seek God's healing touch for each other's lives. Study books and videos provided. Turning an acquaintance into a friendship, a friendship into a brotherhood.

Every Man A Warrior Interest
Meeting Details: @ Weekly
Location: Various
Leaders: George Bauer

EMAW is a discipleship Bible study that helps men succeed in life and win the battles they fight every day. 

Mission Possible
Meeting Details: Tuesdays Room 209 @ 10:00am - 11:30am Every Other Week; Start Date 3/4/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Helen Ward

This group supports our missions team by creating washable, reusable feminine hygiene pads.  It’s an outreach for girls and women who either don’t have access to or can’t afford to purchase hygiene products.

First Shift
Meeting Details: 1st Tuesday Sacred Grounds Cafe @ 7:15am - 8:30am Monthly; Start Date 3/4/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Rochelle Owens, Mark Owens and Aubree Hall

The place where career journey and faith journey merge.

Carpe Diem
Meeting Details: 1st Saturday Room 113 @ 11:00am - 1:00pm Monthly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Stacey Short and Elly Crist

Together as a group we are learning how to effectively share the gospel to our communities.

Meeting Details: Thursdays @ 6:00pm - 7:15pm Weekly; Start Date 3/13/25
Location: Berks County Trails
Leaders: Neal Redcay

Just as Jesus walks alongside us in our journey of life, this group physically and spiritually follows you along your path. Join your tour guide on the path, overlooking God's creation of lakes, streams, and fields. Connect with your Creator and let His creation open your heart to sharing with others. You will be heard, seen, and loved by your God and your hiking teammates!

Bridge of Hope Life Group
Meeting Details: Monday @ 5:45pm - 7:00pm Every other week
Location: Exeter Library
Leaders: Danielle Hennessy

This life group will help with homeless families while growing in their relationship with God and with each other through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. 

Infertility Support Group
Meeting Details: Thursdays @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm Every Other Week; Start Date 3/6/25
Location: GT North Campus
Leaders: Jessica Weyer

Infertility can be one of the most isolating experiences. This group's goal is to bring together people who are going through the same struggles so we can find strength through Jesus and each other.

Divorce Care
Meeting Details: Tuesdays Room 113 @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm Weekly; Start Date 2/25/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Holly Slegowski and John Slegowski

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. John and Holly are married, but have both experienced divorce in the past.

Meeting Details: Thursdays Room 202 @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm Weekly; Start Date 3/6/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Kathy Schweitzer and Cindy Starr

A group where people find support, direction and help after a loved one’s death

L.I.F.E. (Living In Freedom Eternally) Ministry
Meeting Details: 1st Monday @ 7:00pm-9:00pm Monthly
Location: Virtual
Leaders: Robert Schaeffer and Bettina Schaeffer

Our ministry enables people to find total freedom from same-sex attractions (including desire, attraction, identity, behavior). The meetings are designed for persons with same-sex attractions, as well as parents or friends or family of someone who does, as well as persons who wish to learn more about the cause, development and way out of homosexuality. We are biblically-based and share knowledge gained from 38 years of counseling individuals and leading group meetings. Please contact Robert Schaeffer at for more information.

Widows & Widowers Support Group
Meeting Details: 1st Saturday NextGen Center 'The Spot' @ 10:00am-11:30am Monthly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Linda Witmoyer and Nancy Kreisher

This group meets to help men and women traverse the path the loss of their spouse puts them on.

Chronic Illness Caregiver Support Group
Meeting Details: @ TBD Monthly
Location: Wyomissing Area
Leaders: Paula Molteni

This group is open to anyone who is a chronic illness caregiver for ongoing emotional and spiritual support. 

Healing Hearts Support Groups
Meeting Details: TBD @
Location: In-person at West Lawn or North Campus with virtual option
Leaders: Debbie Moyer

These two support groups help women find healing from afflictions of their past without the fear of judgement or condemnation. One group supports women who are hurting from the pain of their past such as sexual abuse, domestic violence and rape. The other group supports women who have experienced the trauma of abortion. Studies can be done 1-on-1 or online.
For more information call Debbie at 610-451-0781 or email

Celebrate Recovery
Meeting Details: Thursdays NextGen Center @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm Weekly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Emily Talarico, Janet McRae, Liz Mohan and Bob Calhoun

Healing for hurts, habits, and hang-ups; any form of addiction. Please contact Janet McRae at for more information.

Stoudt Women's Group (ages 26-40)
Meeting Details: Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm Weekly; Start Date 3/5/25
Location: Muhlenberg
Leaders: Rachel Stoudt

A group for women to study the Bible and grow in your relationship with Jesus, while enjoying fellowship with other believers.

Soul Care
Meeting Details: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm Weekly
Location: Fleetwood Area
Leaders: Weezy Bennetch

Our soul processes life choices with your mind, will and emotions.  Does yours feel like it's cluttered with thoughts like bitterness, rejection, confusion, hopelessness, etc.?  Together, let's clean it out and make room for the good things of God, such as freedom, peace, joy, clarity and fullness of life.

Peace by Piece
Meeting Details: Tuesday @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm Twice a month
Location: Wernersville
Leaders: Lisa Bansner and Beverly Brader

For eight group sessions, you'll be partnering with the Lord to create a beautiful mosaic masterpiece that represents your life in Christ. You'll come to appreciate that God, our Creator, is the true center and the He is found in all the "pieces" of your life!

Never Alone
Meeting Details: Tuesdays Room 208 @ 10:00am-11:30am Weekly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Marge Schaffer and Beverly Brader

This weekly ladies group studies the books of the Bible verse by verse.

Treasures of Truth Life Group
Meeting Details: Thursdays Room 209 @ 5:45-6:13 food/fellowship, 6:15-7:30 study; 7:30-7:45 prayer Weekly; Start Date 2/27/25
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Mary Boyer

Courageous Influence: Embrace the Way God Made You for Impact: Understand you can have influence right where you are, learn to be a person of integrity with your influence, explore how you can be generous and intentional with your influence. Influence is simply the capacity to effect change in someone else--Let's become the courageous women of influence God calls us to be!

Prayer Partners Women's Group
Meeting Details: Thursday Room 104 @ 10:00am - 11:30am 1st & 3rd Week
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Angie Weidenhammer

Join me in being Prayer Partners. Our goal is to be accountable prayer partners, strengthening each other spiritually through prayer. We will meet twice a month to focus on fellowship, using scripture, and engaging in prayer.
Each meeting will include a specific prayer focus, group prayer, and time for fellowship.

Rivera Women's Group
Meeting Details: Thursdays @ 1:00pm Weekly; Start Date 3/13/25
Location: Sinking Spring
Leaders: Nancy Rivera

All of the preaching of Jesus can be summed up in the truth He spoke of in the Sermon on the Mount. We will be taking a deeper look into the Beatitudes and discuss lessons on humility, compassion, and seeking righteousness, as we grow in our faith and strive to be like Christ.

GT Young Adults 18-25
Meeting Details: Sundays NextGen Center @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm Weekly
Location: GT Church West Lawn
Leaders: Luke Adams and Angela Adams

GT Young Adults is all about creating a space for young adults to experience Godly community. We have worship, a Bible study, small groups, games, sometimes snacks, and a great time!

Looking for something different?

Contact our Groups Director for other options.